3e Secret Communications expositie
dec 7 @ 10:00 – 17:00
Following the success of our exhibitions Secret Communications 1 and Secret Communications 2, Crypto Museum has once again teamed up with the Foundation for German Communication in Duivendrecht (near Amsterdam, Netherlands) for the exhibition Secret Communications 3. This exclusive exhibiton will be open to the general public the following days:

  • Saturday 16 November 2019
  • Saturday 23 November 2019
  • Saturday 7 December 2019
  • Saturday 21 December 2019
  • Sunday 12 January 2020

On these days, we will be open from 10:00 to 17:00 and admission is free. Furthermore, coffee, tea and sandwiches will be available free of charge. We will be showing an exciting collection of cipher machines and espionage gear, some of which have never been on public display before. Check the overview below to see what we have selected for you. Large groups may apply for a visit outside the regular opening days and times. Contact Arthur Bauer to make arrangements.


The exhibition will cover the following four main themes:
  • 1. Enigma & Friends
    Enigma is arguably the most famous and well-known cipher machine in the world. We have shown it previously in its many variations, with all kinds of peripherals, as it was used by the German Third Reich during World War II for their secret communication. We will show it again this time, complemented by other technologies, such as secret telephone scramblers from World War II. In addition, Tatjana van Vark will show and demonstrate her wonderful Super-Enigma, but note that she will not be present on all opening days.
  • 2. Bugs
    This time we will show some unique covert listening devices (bugs) that were used during the Cold War by the Stasi and the CIA. We will also explain the methods of hiding such devices and how sweep-teams were able to track them down. We are able to give a good impression of the techniques used by the West as well as by the Eastern Block, and will be able to show some exiting examples. Note that many of the bugs used by the CIA were developed and manufactured by a Dutch company, from the 1950s well into the 1990s.
  • 3. Philips Crypto
    As Crypto Museum is based in Eindhoven, some of our collection is dedicated to the history of cipher machines that were developed by Philips Usfa (later: Philips Crypto). Over the past few years, our collection has grown to the extent that we are now able to show most of the equipment that was developed and manufactured by this company. See why Philips Crypto once belonged to the — big four — in the crypto-world and why Philips was allowed to supply to NATO. An impressive range of impressive products. Hear the story of the rise and fall of Philips Crypto.
  • 4. Car phones (ATF)
    In addition to the above subjects, we will share with you the history of car phones (cellular networks) in the Netherlands in the days before GSM. Learn how the networks were penetrated by criminals, to use it for blackmailing and for making clandestine phone calls. We will be showing items that have been confiscated by the police and that have not been on public display before. Learn how cryptography and authentication became mandatory in the GSM network, and what role PTT Telecom (now: KPN) played in this.

    We will also show tapping techniques for both mobile and land lines, including a complete tapping room of the police who – in cooperation with PTT Telecom – intercepted criminal conversations. One small restriction: on the days that Tatjana van Vark demonstrates her Super-Enigma, some of this material will not be on display.

Afdelingsbijeenkomst VERON A22 @ 't Weverke
dec 19 @ 20:00 – 22:30

Let op: dit 1 week eerder ivm Kerst.

Jelle PE1EAM zal de ontwikkeling van een Arduino-project tot een professioneel product toelichten.

Zoals sommigen van jullie wel zullen weten, is Jelle PE1EAM mede-eigenaar van IM efficiency, een startup die iets heeft bedacht om truck/trailer-combinaties zuiniger te maken. Kort gezegd komt het erop neer dat met behulp van zonne-energie de dynamo werkeloos wordt gemaakt, waardoor brandstof en uitstoot wordt bespaard en ook nog twee andere problemen worden opgelost. Jelle neemt ons mee in het proces van idee naar werkend prototype en de diverse technische problemen die ze daarbij tegenkwamen en hoe je daar vervolgens een bedrijf van maakt.



3e Secret Communications expositie
dec 21 @ 10:00 – 17:00
Following the success of our exhibitions Secret Communications 1 and Secret Communications 2, Crypto Museum has once again teamed up with the Foundation for German Communication in Duivendrecht (near Amsterdam, Netherlands) for the exhibition Secret Communications 3. This exclusive exhibiton will be open to the general public the following days:

  • Saturday 16 November 2019
  • Saturday 23 November 2019
  • Saturday 7 December 2019
  • Saturday 21 December 2019
  • Sunday 12 January 2020

On these days, we will be open from 10:00 to 17:00 and admission is free. Furthermore, coffee, tea and sandwiches will be available free of charge. We will be showing an exciting collection of cipher machines and espionage gear, some of which have never been on public display before. Check the overview below to see what we have selected for you. Large groups may apply for a visit outside the regular opening days and times. Contact Arthur Bauer to make arrangements.


The exhibition will cover the following four main themes:
  • 1. Enigma & Friends
    Enigma is arguably the most famous and well-known cipher machine in the world. We have shown it previously in its many variations, with all kinds of peripherals, as it was used by the German Third Reich during World War II for their secret communication. We will show it again this time, complemented by other technologies, such as secret telephone scramblers from World War II. In addition, Tatjana van Vark will show and demonstrate her wonderful Super-Enigma, but note that she will not be present on all opening days.
  • 2. Bugs
    This time we will show some unique covert listening devices (bugs) that were used during the Cold War by the Stasi and the CIA. We will also explain the methods of hiding such devices and how sweep-teams were able to track them down. We are able to give a good impression of the techniques used by the West as well as by the Eastern Block, and will be able to show some exiting examples. Note that many of the bugs used by the CIA were developed and manufactured by a Dutch company, from the 1950s well into the 1990s.
  • 3. Philips Crypto
    As Crypto Museum is based in Eindhoven, some of our collection is dedicated to the history of cipher machines that were developed by Philips Usfa (later: Philips Crypto). Over the past few years, our collection has grown to the extent that we are now able to show most of the equipment that was developed and manufactured by this company. See why Philips Crypto once belonged to the — big four — in the crypto-world and why Philips was allowed to supply to NATO. An impressive range of impressive products. Hear the story of the rise and fall of Philips Crypto.
  • 4. Car phones (ATF)
    In addition to the above subjects, we will share with you the history of car phones (cellular networks) in the Netherlands in the days before GSM. Learn how the networks were penetrated by criminals, to use it for blackmailing and for making clandestine phone calls. We will be showing items that have been confiscated by the police and that have not been on public display before. Learn how cryptography and authentication became mandatory in the GSM network, and what role PTT Telecom (now: KPN) played in this.

    We will also show tapping techniques for both mobile and land lines, including a complete tapping room of the police who – in cooperation with PTT Telecom – intercepted criminal conversations. One small restriction: on the days that Tatjana van Vark demonstrates her Super-Enigma, some of this material will not be on display.

3e Secret Communications expositie
jan 12 @ 10:00 – 17:00
Following the success of our exhibitions Secret Communications 1 and Secret Communications 2, Crypto Museum has once again teamed up with the Foundation for German Communication in Duivendrecht (near Amsterdam, Netherlands) for the exhibition Secret Communications 3. This exclusive exhibiton will be open to the general public the following days:

  • Saturday 16 November 2019
  • Saturday 23 November 2019
  • Saturday 7 December 2019
  • Saturday 21 December 2019
  • Sunday 12 January 2020

On these days, we will be open from 10:00 to 17:00 and admission is free. Furthermore, coffee, tea and sandwiches will be available free of charge. We will be showing an exciting collection of cipher machines and espionage gear, some of which have never been on public display before. Check the overview below to see what we have selected for you. Large groups may apply for a visit outside the regular opening days and times. Contact Arthur Bauer to make arrangements.


The exhibition will cover the following four main themes:
  • 1. Enigma & Friends
    Enigma is arguably the most famous and well-known cipher machine in the world. We have shown it previously in its many variations, with all kinds of peripherals, as it was used by the German Third Reich during World War II for their secret communication. We will show it again this time, complemented by other technologies, such as secret telephone scramblers from World War II. In addition, Tatjana van Vark will show and demonstrate her wonderful Super-Enigma, but note that she will not be present on all opening days.
  • 2. Bugs
    This time we will show some unique covert listening devices (bugs) that were used during the Cold War by the Stasi and the CIA. We will also explain the methods of hiding such devices and how sweep-teams were able to track them down. We are able to give a good impression of the techniques used by the West as well as by the Eastern Block, and will be able to show some exiting examples. Note that many of the bugs used by the CIA were developed and manufactured by a Dutch company, from the 1950s well into the 1990s.
  • 3. Philips Crypto
    As Crypto Museum is based in Eindhoven, some of our collection is dedicated to the history of cipher machines that were developed by Philips Usfa (later: Philips Crypto). Over the past few years, our collection has grown to the extent that we are now able to show most of the equipment that was developed and manufactured by this company. See why Philips Crypto once belonged to the — big four — in the crypto-world and why Philips was allowed to supply to NATO. An impressive range of impressive products. Hear the story of the rise and fall of Philips Crypto.
  • 4. Car phones (ATF)
    In addition to the above subjects, we will share with you the history of car phones (cellular networks) in the Netherlands in the days before GSM. Learn how the networks were penetrated by criminals, to use it for blackmailing and for making clandestine phone calls. We will be showing items that have been confiscated by the police and that have not been on public display before. Learn how cryptography and authentication became mandatory in the GSM network, and what role PTT Telecom (now: KPN) played in this.

    We will also show tapping techniques for both mobile and land lines, including a complete tapping room of the police who – in cooperation with PTT Telecom – intercepted criminal conversations. One small restriction: on the days that Tatjana van Vark demonstrates her Super-Enigma, some of this material will not be on display.

Jaarvergadering VERON A22 @ 't Weverke
jan 23 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Beste leden,

Aanstaande donderdag 23 januari is er de jaarvergadering van de afdeling in ’t Weverke in Schimmert. Aanvang 20 uur.

De agendapunten hiervoor zijn:

  • ingekomen stukken
  • notulen vorige jaarvergadering (bijlage bij deze email).
  • verslag van voorzitter/secretaris
  • (her)verkiezing afdelingsbestuur
  • repeater
  • verslag van de penningmeester
  • kascontrole 2019 / 2020
  • voorstellen + afvaardiging voor de verenigingsraad 25 april 2020
  • rondvraag.

Tevens alvast de mededeling dat de afdelingsbijeenkomst in februari komt vanwege de carnavals activiteiten te vervallen (de lezing gaat wel door).

Voor de jaarvergadering graag even aangeven of je komt, dan kunnen we daar bij het inrichten van de zaal rekening mee houden. Wie dat al eerder heeft gedaan hoeft dat niet opnieuw te doen.

73 Tom Koeken PC5D

voorzitter A22

Hambeurs UBA NOK
feb 9 @ 10:00 – 14:00


De Radioamateurs Noorderkempen organiseren elk jaar opnieuw een Hambeurs waar oude en nieuwe spullen te vinden zijn.

Een Hambeurs, wat is dat??
Omdat er heel wat bouwers en elektronica knutselaars in de club zitten, is dit ook het moment om aan elektronische onderdelen te geraken. Naast onderdelen, kabels en pluggen kan je er gebruikte en nieuwe zenders aanschaffen.

Toegankelijk voor iedereen?
Om toegang tot de beurs te krijgen vraagt de club een democratische toegangsprijs van slechts 2€. Jong of oud, leek of expert. Het maakt niet uit, iedereen is welkom.

Het is ook de ideale plek om contacten aan te halen met collega radioamateurs. Naast radio apparatuur zijn er er ook altijd computer onderdelen te vinden. De standhouders komen van heinde en ver en onze clubleden verlenen logistieke ondersteuning (drankjes, belegde broodjes, hotdogs, en niet te vergeten onze welbekende heerlijke verse erwten soep (snert) ).

De beurs van 2019 was wederom een groot succes!

De Radioamateurs Noorderkempen organiseren elk jaar opnieuw een Hambeurs waar oude en nieuwe spullen te vinden zijn.

Een Hambeurs, wat is dat??
Omdat er heel wat bouwers en elektronica knutselaars in de club zitten, is dit ook het moment om aan elektronische onderdelen te geraken. Naast onderdelen, kabels en pluggen kan je er gebruikte en nieuwe zenders aanschaffen.

Toegankelijk voor iedereen?
Om toegang tot de beurs te krijgen vraagt de club een democratische toegangsprijs van slechts 2€. Jong of oud, leek of expert. Het maakt niet uit, iedereen is welkom.

Het is ook de ideale plek om contacten aan te halen met collega radioamateurs. Naast radio apparatuur zijn er er ook altijd computer onderdelen te vinden. De standhouders komen van heinde en ver en onze clubleden verlenen logistieke ondersteuning (drankjes, belegde broodjes, hotdogs, en niet te vergeten onze welbekende heerlijke verse erwten soep (snert) ).

De beurs van 2019 was wederom een groot succes!


GEEN clubavond A22
feb 27 hele dag

LET OP !!!

In verband met de nasleep van carnaval en het niet beschikbaar zijn van de zaal vervalt de clubavond van februari 2020.

*** AFGELAST *** Zelfbouwgroep @ t Weverke
mrt 17 @ 19:00 – 22:00
*** AFGELAST *** Zelfbouwgroep @ t Weverke | Schimmert | Limburg | Netherlands
De afdeling Zuid-Limburg volgt de oproep vanuit de overheid en de landelijke vereniging om activiteiten voorlopig uit te stellen.
In eerste instantie geldt dit voor de maand maart.  Later zal bekeken worden of deze periode nog verlengd moet worden.
Het afdelingsbestuur van A22 denk hiermee een juiste invulling te geven aan haar verantwoordelijkheid.

Iedere dinsdagavond vanaf 19:00 uur bijeenkomst van de Zelfbouwgroep Zuid-Limburg.

Ongeacht je ( radio technische ) niveau, tijd die je in onze facinerende hobbie kunt of wilt steken, is het de bedoeling om in een ontspannen omgeving  de radio amateur practische kennis en kunde van elkaar te leren.

Ben je aan het solderen toe, neem dan wel je soldeermat en bout mee!

Aanmelden bij Ruud PA5RWD,



*** AFGELAST *** Zelfbouwgroep @ t Weverke
mrt 24 @ 19:00 – 22:00
*** AFGELAST *** Zelfbouwgroep @ t Weverke | Schimmert | Limburg | Netherlands
De afdeling Zuid-Limburg volgt de oproep vanuit de overheid en de landelijke vereniging om activiteiten voorlopig uit te stellen.
In eerste instantie geldt dit voor de maand maart.  Later zal bekeken worden of deze periode nog verlengd moet worden.
Het afdelingsbestuur van A22 denk hiermee een juiste invulling te geven aan haar verantwoordelijkheid.

Iedere dinsdagavond vanaf 19:00 uur bijeenkomst van de Zelfbouwgroep Zuid-Limburg.

Ongeacht je ( radio technische ) niveau, tijd die je in onze facinerende hobbie kunt of wilt steken, is het de bedoeling om in een ontspannen omgeving  de radio amateur practische kennis en kunde van elkaar te leren.

Ben je aan het solderen toe, neem dan wel je soldeermat en bout mee!

Aanmelden bij Ruud PA5RWD,



*** AFGELAST *** Clubavond VERON A22 @ 't Weverke
mrt 26 @ 20:00 – 22:00
De afdeling Zuid-Limburg volgt de oproep vanuit de overheid en de landelijke vereniging om activiteiten voorlopig uit te stellen.
In eerste instantie geldt dit voor de maand maart.  Later zal bekeken worden of deze periode nog verlengd moet worden.
Het afdelingsbestuur van A22 denk hiermee een juiste invulling te geven aan haar verantwoordelijkheid.

Clubavond van de afdeling Zuid-Limburg van de VERON.

Invulling van de avond nog nader te bepalen.

Ook niet-leden zijn van harte welkom.

73 Tom Koeken PC5D

voorzitter A22