3e Secret Communications expositie
dec 21 @ 10:00 – 17:00
Following the success of our exhibitions Secret Communications 1 and Secret Communications 2, Crypto Museum has once again teamed up with the Foundation for German Communication in Duivendrecht (near Amsterdam, Netherlands) for the exhibition Secret Communications 3. This exclusive exhibiton will be open to the general public the following days:

  • Saturday 16 November 2019
  • Saturday 23 November 2019
  • Saturday 7 December 2019
  • Saturday 21 December 2019
  • Sunday 12 January 2020

On these days, we will be open from 10:00 to 17:00 and admission is free. Furthermore, coffee, tea and sandwiches will be available free of charge. We will be showing an exciting collection of cipher machines and espionage gear, some of which have never been on public display before. Check the overview below to see what we have selected for you. Large groups may apply for a visit outside the regular opening days and times. Contact Arthur Bauer to make arrangements.


The exhibition will cover the following four main themes:
  • 1. Enigma & Friends
    Enigma is arguably the most famous and well-known cipher machine in the world. We have shown it previously in its many variations, with all kinds of peripherals, as it was used by the German Third Reich during World War II for their secret communication. We will show it again this time, complemented by other technologies, such as secret telephone scramblers from World War II. In addition, Tatjana van Vark will show and demonstrate her wonderful Super-Enigma, but note that she will not be present on all opening days.
  • 2. Bugs
    This time we will show some unique covert listening devices (bugs) that were used during the Cold War by the Stasi and the CIA. We will also explain the methods of hiding such devices and how sweep-teams were able to track them down. We are able to give a good impression of the techniques used by the West as well as by the Eastern Block, and will be able to show some exiting examples. Note that many of the bugs used by the CIA were developed and manufactured by a Dutch company, from the 1950s well into the 1990s.
  • 3. Philips Crypto
    As Crypto Museum is based in Eindhoven, some of our collection is dedicated to the history of cipher machines that were developed by Philips Usfa (later: Philips Crypto). Over the past few years, our collection has grown to the extent that we are now able to show most of the equipment that was developed and manufactured by this company. See why Philips Crypto once belonged to the — big four — in the crypto-world and why Philips was allowed to supply to NATO. An impressive range of impressive products. Hear the story of the rise and fall of Philips Crypto.
  • 4. Car phones (ATF)
    In addition to the above subjects, we will share with you the history of car phones (cellular networks) in the Netherlands in the days before GSM. Learn how the networks were penetrated by criminals, to use it for blackmailing and for making clandestine phone calls. We will be showing items that have been confiscated by the police and that have not been on public display before. Learn how cryptography and authentication became mandatory in the GSM network, and what role PTT Telecom (now: KPN) played in this.

    We will also show tapping techniques for both mobile and land lines, including a complete tapping room of the police who – in cooperation with PTT Telecom – intercepted criminal conversations. One small restriction: on the days that Tatjana van Vark demonstrates her Super-Enigma, some of this material will not be on display.

3e Secret Communications expositie
jan 12 @ 10:00 – 17:00
Following the success of our exhibitions Secret Communications 1 and Secret Communications 2, Crypto Museum has once again teamed up with the Foundation for German Communication in Duivendrecht (near Amsterdam, Netherlands) for the exhibition Secret Communications 3. This exclusive exhibiton will be open to the general public the following days:

  • Saturday 16 November 2019
  • Saturday 23 November 2019
  • Saturday 7 December 2019
  • Saturday 21 December 2019
  • Sunday 12 January 2020

On these days, we will be open from 10:00 to 17:00 and admission is free. Furthermore, coffee, tea and sandwiches will be available free of charge. We will be showing an exciting collection of cipher machines and espionage gear, some of which have never been on public display before. Check the overview below to see what we have selected for you. Large groups may apply for a visit outside the regular opening days and times. Contact Arthur Bauer to make arrangements.


The exhibition will cover the following four main themes:
  • 1. Enigma & Friends
    Enigma is arguably the most famous and well-known cipher machine in the world. We have shown it previously in its many variations, with all kinds of peripherals, as it was used by the German Third Reich during World War II for their secret communication. We will show it again this time, complemented by other technologies, such as secret telephone scramblers from World War II. In addition, Tatjana van Vark will show and demonstrate her wonderful Super-Enigma, but note that she will not be present on all opening days.
  • 2. Bugs
    This time we will show some unique covert listening devices (bugs) that were used during the Cold War by the Stasi and the CIA. We will also explain the methods of hiding such devices and how sweep-teams were able to track them down. We are able to give a good impression of the techniques used by the West as well as by the Eastern Block, and will be able to show some exiting examples. Note that many of the bugs used by the CIA were developed and manufactured by a Dutch company, from the 1950s well into the 1990s.
  • 3. Philips Crypto
    As Crypto Museum is based in Eindhoven, some of our collection is dedicated to the history of cipher machines that were developed by Philips Usfa (later: Philips Crypto). Over the past few years, our collection has grown to the extent that we are now able to show most of the equipment that was developed and manufactured by this company. See why Philips Crypto once belonged to the — big four — in the crypto-world and why Philips was allowed to supply to NATO. An impressive range of impressive products. Hear the story of the rise and fall of Philips Crypto.
  • 4. Car phones (ATF)
    In addition to the above subjects, we will share with you the history of car phones (cellular networks) in the Netherlands in the days before GSM. Learn how the networks were penetrated by criminals, to use it for blackmailing and for making clandestine phone calls. We will be showing items that have been confiscated by the police and that have not been on public display before. Learn how cryptography and authentication became mandatory in the GSM network, and what role PTT Telecom (now: KPN) played in this.

    We will also show tapping techniques for both mobile and land lines, including a complete tapping room of the police who – in cooperation with PTT Telecom – intercepted criminal conversations. One small restriction: on the days that Tatjana van Vark demonstrates her Super-Enigma, some of this material will not be on display.

VERSCHOVEN !!! 39e Bergheimer Amateurfunk Flohmarkt @ Bürgerhaus
mrt 14 @ 9:00 – 14:00
VERSCHOVEN !!!  39e Bergheimer Amateurfunk Flohmarkt @ Bürgerhaus | Bergheim | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Duitsland


In verband met Corona preventie is de radiomarkt van Bergheim verschoven naar 13 juni 2020

*** AFGELAST *** Excursie VERON A31 – radiotelescoop Stockert @ (on the road)
mei 30 @ 0:00

In mei is er GEEN clubavond, maar in plaats daarvan gaan de leden van A31 op reis naar radiotelescoop Stockert in Bad Muenstereifel.

*** AFGELAST *** 39e Bergheimer Amateurfunk Flohmarkt @ Bürgerhaus
jun 13 @ 9:00 – 14:00

Absage – Der 39.Bergheimer Amateurfunk-Flohmarkt findet leider nicht statt.

Das Flohmarktteam des DARC e.V., OV-Bergheim G20, hat sich Entschlossen den auf den 13.06.2020 Verschobenen 39 Bergheimer Funkflohmarkt „ Der Treffpunkt im Westen „ in diesem Jahr kpl. ausfallen zu lassen.

Die Behördlichen Auflagen für Veranstaltungen, voraussichtlich bis August 2020 und die führsorge für die vielen doch etwas älteren Besucher, haben uns keine andere Wahl gelassen.

In der Hoffnung das 2021 alles wieder besser sein wird, haben wir uns mit, unseren Vermietern für das Bürgerhaus und der Sporthalle in Bergheim Quadrath, geeinigt, den 39 Bergheimer Funkflohmarkt „ Der Treffpunkt im Westen „ am 06.03.2021 durch zu führen.

Alle bereits Bezahlten Eintrittskarten und Standgebühren behalten Ihre Gültigkeit.

Zusätzlich werden wir alle, die bereits Online Tickets gekauft haben oder Ihre Standgebühren bezahlt haben, anschreiben. Sie haben dann die Möglichkeit zu Entscheiden ob Sie doch lieber Ihr Geld, unter Angabe Ihrer Bankverbindung, zurück haben möchten.

In der Hoffnung das wir uns alle 2021 Gesund wiedersehen,

der Vorstand des DARC e.V., OV-Bergheim, G20

Franz-Dieter Wagner, DL5KCD

PA6TIEN Open Monumentendag @ PA6TIEN Van Tienhovenmolen
sep 11 hele dag

PA6TIEN   Van Tienhovenmolen

Open Monumentendag 2021

Tijdens de landelijke Open Monumentendagen ( 11 en 12 september 2021 ) is ook de Van Tienhovenmolen in Wolfshuis vrij te bezichtigen.

Ook wij, als radio amateurs, zijn welkom een paar storingsvrije verbindingen te maken, ontspannen. Als je ook nog wat mee neemt voor de molenaars, zal er koffie zijn en is iedereen tevreden….


PA6TIEN Open Monumentendag @ PA6TIEN Van Tienhovenmolen
sep 12 hele dag

PA6TIEN   Van Tienhovenmolen

Open Monumentendag 2021

Tijdens de landelijke Open Monumentendagen ( 11 en 12 september 2021 ) is ook de Van Tienhovenmolen in Wolfshuis vrij te bezichtigen.

Ook wij, als radio amateurs, zijn welkom een paar storingsvrije verbindingen te maken, ontspannen. Als je ook nog wat mee neemt voor de molenaars, zal er koffie zijn en is iedereen tevreden….


PA6TIEN Limburgse Molendag @ Van Tienhovenmolen
okt 3 hele dag


PA6TIEN   Van Tienhovenmolen

Tijdens de Limburgse Molendag op 3/10 is ook de Van Tienhovenmolen in Wolfshuis vrij te bezichtigen van 11:00-16:00u.

PA6TIEN activering @ van Tienhovenmolen
aug 12 hele dag

Vallende sterren excursie

Vallende sterren zijn een met veel mythes omgeven natuurverschijnsel. Op 12/13 augustus passeert meteorenzwerm Perseïden op ’korte’ afstand de aarde en zullen er weer de nodige meteorieten of vallende sterren te zien zijn. Volgens verwachting tot 80 per uur tijdens het hoogtepunt. Bovendien is er dan geen maanlicht. Alleen een wolkendek kan spelbreker zijn.

We beginnen om 20.30 uur met uitleg over het verschijnsel vallende sterren en rond 21.00 uur tijdens de schemering vertrekken we voor een korte wandeling van circa 5 km. Onderweg houden we op een plek met vrij uitzicht stil om te proberen de vallende sterren te spotten. Tegen 23.00 uur zijn we terug bij de molen.

De Van Tienhovenmolen werd gebouwd in 1855 en is de enige molen die helemaal met mergelsteen is gebouwd. Onlangs heeft de molen nieuwe wieken gekregen en is in bedrijf. Als je ruim voor aanvangstijd komt kun je de molen bezichtigen. Dit kan ook nog na afloop van de excursie.

Er is koffie/thee, natuurlijke frisdrank en er zijn molenproducten te koop.

Deze activiteit is geschikt voor kinderen en honden aan de riem mogen mee. Denk ook aan stevige wandelschoenen, een zaklampje en een veiligheidshesje of -band. We lopen nl. een stukje langs de weg. Download evt. de gratis app Google Sky Maps om makkelijker sterren en sterrenbeelden te kunnen herkennen.

IVN info :  IVN Maastricht

Gedurende deze dag zullen diverse amateurs weer actief zijn met een velddag station, demonstraties van QO-100 en morse berichtenverkeer.

Open dag – Effelsberg radiotelescoop @ Radio-Observatorium Effelsberg
sep 9 @ 10:00 – 17:00

Tag der Offenen Tür am 100-m-Radioteleskop Effelsberg

Das Radio-Observatorium Effelsberg, die Außenstelle des Max-Planck-Instituts für Radioastronomie (MPIfR), öffnet am Samstag, 9. September 2023 von 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr seine Pforten für die Öffentlichkeit. Der “Tag der Offenen Tür” bietet eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, ganz nah an das große 100-m-Radioteleskop heranzukommen und vielleicht sogar die erste Teleskopplattform in 20 Metern Höhe betreten zu können.

Das Teleskop ist auch heute, mehr als 50 Jahre nach seiner Inbetriebnahme, das größte voll bewegliche Radioteleskop Europas. Es liegt, geschützt vor Störstrahlung von außen, in einem Tal bei Bad Münstereifel-Effelsberg, ca. 40 km südwestlich von Bonn. Auf dem Institutsgelände befindet sich auch eine Station des europäischen LOFAR-Teleskopnetzwerks für Radiobeobachtungen im Meterwellenbereich.

Am 9. September ist jedermann willkommen, das Institutsgebäude mit dem Steuerraum, von dem aus das Radioteleskop betrieben wird, und insbesondere das Teleskop selbst aus nächster Nähe zu besichtigen.

Beim Zugang auf die Elevationsbühne in 20 m Höhe sei darauf hingewiesen, dass dafür festes Schuhwerk erforderlich ist, ebenso ein guter Gesundheitszustand und keine Höhenangst. Dieser Teil des Programms ist für kleine Kinder nicht geeignet.

Es wird kein Eintritt erhoben und es ist keine vorherige Anmeldung erforderlich.

Parkeren direct bij de telescoop is slechts beperkt mogelijk (alleen invaliden), men moet van de publieke parkeerplaats een stukje wandelen (ca 1km) naar de installatie zelf.
Of gebruik maken van de speciale pendelbus die op de open dag wordt ingezet.