RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Bitx to SBitx @ (online)
nov 1 @ 21:00 – 23:00

Bitx to SBitx: The journey and development of this exciting and affordable range of transceivers by Ashhar VU2ESE.







As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :

Clubavond UBA NOL : QO100 @ Parochiehuis Bocholt
nov 5 @ 20:00 – 22:30


Vrijdag 5 november zal Frans, ON6MP en Dirk, ON5GS uitleg komen geven over hun ervaringen met het werken over de stationaire satelliet Qatar – Oscar (QO100). Op relatief simpele wijze kan men actief zijn over deze satelliet.

Virtuele clubavond VERON A31 @ (online)
nov 19 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Ten gevolge van de verscherpte Corona maatregeln kan de geplande lezing van Loek PE0MJX helaas niet doorgaan.
Deze wordt verplaatst naar december.

In plaats van de lezing zal er een online meeting via Jitsi zijn, zonder speciaal onderwerp.

Voor meer info kan je contact opnemen met de secretaris : Jan PA0SIM  via



Virtuele clubavond UBA NOL @ Parochiehuis Bocholt
dec 3 @ 20:00 – 22:30


De geplande NOL-Quiz kan helaas niet plaatsvinden.

Deze avond zal er weer een virtuele clubavond zijn te beginnen op ON0NL en daarna over naar Jitsi via :



RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Using Pluto and RPi4 for ATV and narrowband @ (online)
dec 6 @ 21:00 – 23:00

Using the Pluto and RPi4 for Amateur TV and narrowband  –  Noel G8GTZ.





Following on from his “Advances in Amateur Television” talk at the 2017 RSGB convention, Noel Matthews, G8GTZ will be presenting on the latest developments in the ever-evolving world of Amateur TV.

Noel will give an overview of ATV activity in the UK and in particular how the use of Reduced bandwidth (RBTV) signals has enabled ATV QSOs on the lower VHF bands. He will give an introduction to the QO100 geostationary satellite which has enabled QSOs with fellow DATV operators as far away as Brazil, India and South Africa.

Noel will also be describing how the development of Software Defined Radio (SDR) based hardware and powerful single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi has revolutionised the development and capabilities of amateur radio dedicated products.

He will describe how it is possible for radio amateurs to build an advanced touch screen multimode narrowband and Digital ATV transceiver covering 50 MHz to 10GHz for under £350.


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :

Virtuele clubavond VERON A31 @ (online)
dec 17 @ 20:00 – 22:00

In verband met de geldende corona maatregelen wordt de fysieke bijeenkomst omgezet naar een online meeting via Jitsi.

De geplande lezing van Loek PE0MJX, over zijn avonturen met het zelf selecteren van een FET amplifier voor HF en een passende antennetuner, wordt uitgesteld naar een latere datum.


RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : How to get started in software construction @ (online)
jan 10 @ 21:00 – 23:00

How to get started in software construction and where it can lead you  –  Heather M0HMO.




All you need to get started in Software construction is a personal computer (Windows, Linux, Mac – they’ll all do), some spare time and, if you want to make a ‘thing’ then some loose change.

There are three easy and virtually free routes into writing your own programs: develop applications that run on your PC using the free Qt environment; write programs to run on one of the Arduino boards (£3 from China plus a USB cable) using the free Arduino application; or go for the middle ground with a Raspberry PI (around £40) and a wi-fi connection.

Heather will take you through the setup for each of these and show you just how easy it is to go from flashing an LED through developing an ATV receiver to producing a fully-featured windows PC application such as her Mapper entry in the RSGB construction competition.

Find out more


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :

Jaarvergadering VERON A31 @ (online)
jan 21 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Jaarvergadering van de afdeling A31.  Alleen toegankelijk voor leden.

Voor meer info kan je contact opnemen met secretaris Jan PA0SIM  (


RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : The Russian Woodpecker @ (online)
feb 7 @ 21:00 – 23:00

The Russian Woodpecker over the horizon radar, a blast from the past  –  Keith KI6BDR.




Hidden deep in a serene forest yet taller than the clouds, standing in surreal beauty is an antenna array like none other on earth, having an aperture area greater than 15 U.S. football fields. One of the great wonders of the world – a top secret Soviet radar, so secret that even the name is uncertain, for it had many. It was the Russian Woodpecker. It was the Steel Yard. It was Duga.

The story of this top secret place is one of mystery and intrigue. Now abandoned, a rusting testament to man’s cold war hubris, almost all popular accounts on the web are seriously flawed – victims of deliberate disinformation. Where did it come from? What did it do? Did it transmit? Did it receive? Was it the first of three, or the third of two?

Keith Snyder, KI6BDR, has been busy reverse engineering to uncover truth before time erases history. Keith shows visible engineering clues that reveal the mission and correct the history of the huge “Duga 3” antenna Array. The Duga 3 is located a few kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site. Although it has fallen into disrepair, it stands today due only to a hasty exit forced by radiation from the
Chernobyl nuclear accident. The nuclear accident ironically protected the array from dismantlement, a reprieve from all but the ravages of time. The antenna array today attracts tourists who visit Chernobyl. It is one of the 8th wonders of the world due to its Titanic size.


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :

*** AFGELAST *** GHz-tagung Dorsten
feb 12 @ 9:00 – 17:00

Die für den 12. Februar 2022 geplante GHz-Tagung Dorsten muss leider ausfallen.

Zum zweiten Mal in Folge treffen sich die Mikrowellenamateure nicht im Februar in Dorsten, um sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf den GHz-Bändern und das vergangene Contestjahr auszutauschen. Die aktuelle Entwicklung der Pandemielage lässt eine Durchführung der Tagung leider nicht zu.

Auf unsere Webseite wird ab Spätsommer 2022 die Ankündigung für die GHz-Tagung 2023 veröffentlicht, die dann hoffentlich wieder in altbewährter Form stattfinden soll. Die Tagungsleitung freut sich bereits jetzt schon darauf, die Mikrowellenamateure 2023 endlich wieder in Dorsten begrüßen zu dürfen.


Die GHz-Tagung in Dorsten beschäftigt sich mit dem Amateurfunkbetrieb auf Frequenzen oberhalb von 1,2 GHz.

Die GHz-Tagung lebt von den zahlreichen Fachvorträgen und der Möglichkeit des persönlichen Gesprächs. Sie wird jedes Jahr von mehr als 200 Funkamateuren besucht, um über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf den GHz-Bändern zu diskutieren. Zudem wird hier jedes Jahr der DARC-UKW-Contestpokal verliehen.

Die Tagung wird organisiert vom DARC-Distrikt Westfalen-Nord. Unterstützt wird die GHz-Tagung durch die Volkshochschule Dorsten.