*** AFGELAST *** FUNK.TAG Kassel
apr 23 @ 9:00 – 16:00

“Aufgrund der Entwicklung des aktuellen Infektionsgeschehens bleibt uns leider keine Handlungsalternative, als den FUNK.TAG 2022 am 23. April abzusagen”, erklärt Christian Entsfellner, DL3MBG.

RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Contesting @ (online)
mei 9 @ 21:00 – 23:00

Contesting, pushing the boundaries
– Mark M0DXR.




Whether you’re a seasoned contester or just starting out in this aspect of amateur radio, this is bound to be an interesting presentation.
Mark is the founder of Contest University UK and is the current holder of the all-time England record for the CQWW CW, CQ WPX CW and IOTA contests as well as many more single band records. He is a member of the K3LR Multi-Multi USA and TI7W Costa Rica Teams and also a committee member for CQ World Wide.


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

Bergheimer Amateurfunk Flohmarkt @ Bürgerhaus
mei 21 @ 10:00 – 15:00

Treffpunkt aber sicher!
Der 39. Bergheimer Amateurfunk-Flohmarkt findet statt.

Der 39. Bergheimer Amateurfunkt-Flohmart “Der Treffpunkt im Westen” findet am 21.5.2022 statt. Alle Informationen werden wir Euch nach und nach hier auf der Webseite und im Newsletter zur Verfügung stellen.

Zur Zeit gehen wir davon aus, dass die Veranstaltung unter den 2G Corona Richtlinien stattfindet.

Ticket können online erworben werden oder wie bisher auch vor Ort bar bezahlt werden. Um einen möglichst schnellen Einlass zu gewährleisten empfehlen wir Euch die Eintrittskarten online zu erwerben.

Der Verkauf startet vorraussichtlich Anfang März.

Wir werden Euch hier informieren, sobald es neue Informationen oder Änderungen der Corona Auflagen gibt. Tragt Euch in den Newsletter ein um immer auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Wir sehen uns am 21. Mai beim “Treffpunkt im Westen”,

der Vorstand des DARC e.V., OV-Bergheim, G20
Franz-Dieter Wagner, DL5KCD

info :  https://ov-g20.de/flohmarkt/


RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Jodrell Bank @ (online)
jun 6 @ 21:00 – 23:00

The story of Jodrell Bank –
Ian G0DMU.




Professor Ian Morison, G0DMU will give a review of the history of Jodrell Bank, one of the world’s premier radio astronomy observatories; from its founding in 1945, the completion of the Mk I (now Lovell) radio telescope in 1957 – still the third largest fully steerable telescope in the world – and the building of the MERLIN array in the 1980s and 90s.

The MERLIN array has the same resolution as the Hubble Space Telescope and many collaborative observations have been made over the past 30 years. Its seven telescopes also link up with others across Europe to provide an instrument whose resolution far exceeds that of optical telescopes.

Some of its most exciting discoveries will be discussed in the context of how radio observations are made – many of which can complement those made by optical telescopes.


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

Clubavond UBA MLB – zonne-energie voor thuis @ Polska Sala
jun 17 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Korte presentatie en open discussie over bestaande en toekomstige systemen door ON6MID, Michel.
Een interessant en boeiend hedendaags onderwerp.

HAM Radio Friedrichshafen @ Messe Friedrichshafen
jun 24 hele dag
HAM Radio Friedrichshafen @ Messe Friedrichshafen
jun 25 hele dag
HAM Radio Friedrichshafen @ Messe Friedrichshafen
jun 26 hele dag
RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Radio waves and antennas @ (online)
jul 4 @ 21:00 – 23:00

Radio waves and antennas … and all that – Peter G3XJE




This presentation covers a range of antenna-related information so there should be something for everyone:

What makes a radio wave? Some mysterious properties of radio waves which you might not have appreciated. How do you launch radio waves? Antennas. Radiation resistance. Radiation patterns. Antenna gain. Transmitting and receiving. Getting power into, and from, your antenna. Resonance, or lack thereof. Feeders. Feeder impedance. Matching – does VSWR really matter? Why can’t you make a monopole? Multi-element antennas. Phased antennas.


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

Radiomarkt D.N.A.T. 2022 @ Schloßpark Burg Bentheim
aug 27 @ 8:00 – 15:00

Betreff de 54. DNAT in Bad Bentheim:

  • De D.N.A.T. (Deutsch-Niederländische-Amateurfunker-Tage) zullen plaatsvinden
    in het laatste volle weekend van augustus.
  • Onze DNAT Camping „Am Badepark“ , is geopend van 19 t/m 29 augustus 2021.
    Het aanmelden via:   camping@dnat.de    wordt zeer gewaardeerdt.
    Adres:   Zum Ferienpark 1, 48455 Bad Bentheim
  • De vlooienmarkt voor radioamateurs in de Schürkamphalle en de omliggende terreinen wordt gehouden op zaterdag 27 augustus 2022.
  • De toegang kost 5 Euro voor Volwassenen en is gratis voor bezoekers onder de 18 jaar.
  • De officiële opening vindt plaats op vrijdag 26 augustus om 15:00 in de Katharinenkerk.
  • De stad Bad Bentheim heeft een officieel comité voor de nominatie van de Gouden Antenne opgericht en we hebben wereldwijd (via de IARU) om nominatie voor kandidaten gevraagd.
  • Wij verzoeken aan al onze bezoekers om zich te houden aan de dan geldende Corona-regels.

Het bestuur van DNAT is samen met de vele vrijwilligers druk bezig om een geweldig leuk programma samen te stellen, de details zullen nog volgen.

We hopen u dus te zien in het laatste volle weekend van augustus of zelfs gedurende de week ervoor, zoals altijd op de 54e DNAT in Bad Bentheim.