RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Jodrell Bank @ (online)
jun 6 @ 21:00 – 23:00

The story of Jodrell Bank –
Ian G0DMU.




Professor Ian Morison, G0DMU will give a review of the history of Jodrell Bank, one of the world’s premier radio astronomy observatories; from its founding in 1945, the completion of the Mk I (now Lovell) radio telescope in 1957 – still the third largest fully steerable telescope in the world – and the building of the MERLIN array in the 1980s and 90s.

The MERLIN array has the same resolution as the Hubble Space Telescope and many collaborative observations have been made over the past 30 years. Its seven telescopes also link up with others across Europe to provide an instrument whose resolution far exceeds that of optical telescopes.

Some of its most exciting discoveries will be discussed in the context of how radio observations are made – many of which can complement those made by optical telescopes.


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

Hambeurs NOK Turnhout
jun 19 @ 10:00 – 14:00

Hambeurs Noorderkempen

De Radioamateurs Noorderkempen organiseren elk jaar opnieuw een Hambeurs waar oude en nieuwe spullen te vinden zijn.

Een Hambeurs, wat is dat??
Omdat er heel wat bouwers en elektronica knutselaars in de club zitten, is dit ook het moment om aan elektronische onderdelen te geraken. Naast onderdelen, kabels en pluggen kan je er gebruikte en nieuwe zenders aanschaffen.

Toegankelijk voor iedereen?
Om toegang tot de beurs te krijgen vraagt de club een democratische toegangsprijs van slechts 2€. Jong of oud, leek of expert. Het maakt niet uit, iedereen is welkom.

Het is ook de ideale plek om contacten aan te halen met collega radioamateurs. Naast radio apparatuur zijn er er ook altijd computer onderdelen te vinden. De standhouders komen van heinde en ver en onze clubleden verlenen logistieke ondersteuning (drankjes, belegde broodjes, hotdogs, en niet te vergeten onze welbekende heerlijke verse soep).

RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Radio waves and antennas @ (online)
jul 4 @ 21:00 – 23:00

Radio waves and antennas … and all that – Peter G3XJE




This presentation covers a range of antenna-related information so there should be something for everyone:

What makes a radio wave? Some mysterious properties of radio waves which you might not have appreciated. How do you launch radio waves? Antennas. Radiation resistance. Radiation patterns. Antenna gain. Transmitting and receiving. Getting power into, and from, your antenna. Resonance, or lack thereof. Feeders. Feeder impedance. Matching – does VSWR really matter? Why can’t you make a monopole? Multi-element antennas. Phased antennas.


As part of the national “Get on the air to care” campaign with the NHS, the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars cover a range of topics and help you gain more enjoyment from amateur radio.

Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Back to the keyboard @ (online)
sep 5 @ 21:00 – 23:00

Back to the keyboard – Mike G4WNC




Now that we’ve filled our logbooks with FT-8 contacts, maybe it’s time to move on and start communicating again!

In this illustrated talk, Mike Richards, G4WNC introduces you to the best data modes for keyboard QSOs.

In addition to explaining their operation and configuration, Mike will run through some operating techniques to take the strain out of keyboard QSOs.


Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online.
They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

Salon de Radioamateur La Louviere @ Louvexpo
sep 17 @ 9:00 – 16:00

Adres : LOUVEXPO, rue Michel Debauque, La Louvière – Coordonnées GPS : Lat. N50° 29’ 01’’ / Long E04° 10’ 51’’

Meer actuele info op de website : ON6LL

Belgium Mill Award Contest – PA6TIEN @ Van Tienhovenmolen - Wolfshuis
sep 18 @ 8:00 – 12:00

zondag 18 september 2022 UTC 06:00 – UTC 10:00 (80m en 2m banden!)
BMA – Belgium Mill Award Contest
Promoten van het Belgische wind-, water- en rosmolen patrimonium

PA6TIEN doet mee aan deze contest vanuit de Van Tienhovenmolen – Wolfshuis.
Opbouwen van de antennes op zaterdag middag. Samenzijn in de avond. Met de contest meedoen op de zondag ochtend.
Zoals gewoonlijk voor overdag zelf eten en drinken meenemen. Verdere creatieve ideeen worden ter plekke en tijd uitgevoerd.
Denk aan voer om de molenaars tevreden te stellen….



Iedere deelnemer dient zich aan de IARU bandplanning te houden.
80m SSB : van 3600 tot 3650 MHz en van 3700 tot 3775 MHz.
Op VHF 2m wordt er gewerkt in het SSB en/of FM segment.


HF 80m band SSB

A HF : taking part on HF from a non-mill reference
B HF : taking part on HF from a valid mill reference
C HF : Foreign participant

VHF 2 m band SSB +FM

A VHF : taking part on VHF from a non-mill reference
B VHF : taking part on VHF from a valid mill reference
C VHF : foreign participant


Stations met een molenreferentie: RST + QSO serienummer beginnend met 001 + molenreferentie + provincie.
Stations zonder molenreferentie: RST + QSO serienummer beginnend met 001 + provincie.
De provincie en molenreferentie maken integraal deel uit van het rapport en moeten in de log vermeld worden.
Enkel Belgische molenreferenties zijn geldig
Alle Belgische provincies: AN, BW, HT, LB, LG, NM, LU, OV, VB en WV.
Het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest: BR.

Logo PA6TIEN Van Tienhovenmolen

RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : HF on Holiday @ (online)
okt 3 @ 21:00 – 23:00

HF on Holiday – considerations and ideas – Daimon G4USI




Have you ever considered operating while on holiday? In this presentation, Daimon covers the things you might wish to consider if taking a small HF station with you, either at home or abroad. From family, licensing, mode and other considerations, Daimon will focus on some practical examples of antennas and small stations that he uses himself to be QRV, wherever he is.

This presentation will focus on practical aspects of leisure operating as an aside to your holiday, rather than being the main component – this is not a presentation about planning DXpeditions.


Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online.
They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

Junk-in-the-Trunk Diest 2022 @ Citadel
nov 5 @ 13:00 – 17:00
RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : Log4OM @ (online)
nov 7 @ 21:00 – 23:00

Log4OM : the first decade – Terry G4POP




Terry will talk about the popular free logging software Log4OM. Suitable for all levels of expertise, Terry’s talk will look at the history of Log4OM, its developers and the in-built features of the software. There will be a live demonstration and a chance for Q&A.


Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online.
They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/

RSGB webinar Tonight@8 : 100 years BBC @ (online)
dec 5 @ 21:00 – 23:00

100 Years of BBC Technology and Innovation – David G7URP




The year 2022 marks the centenary of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and whilst it is well known for its programme making and public service broadcasting, the BBC has also been responsible for introducing a wide range of technological innovations such as CEEFAX, RDS and VERA, Britain’s first videotape recorder.

On this Tonight @ 8 webinar David Palmer, G7URP takes a look at some of these pioneering creations, many of which still form the backbone of modern broadcasting.


Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online.
They can also be viewed on a later date on the RSGB website and YouTube.

Info :  https://rsgb.org/main/tonight-at-eight-live-webinars/