Zondagochtendronde PI3ZLB @ (on air)
jan 30 @ 11:00 – 12:00

Zuid-Limburgse Zondag Ochtendronde via PI3ZLB 145,725 MHz  –  rondeleider :  Folkert PA0FOT.

Tevens stream via :  http://meet.jit.si/pi3zlb

FOSDEM 2022 (online)
feb 5 hele dag

FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software.

Usually taking place in the beautiful city of Brussels (Belgium), FOSDEM is widely recognised as the best such conference in Europe.

What is FOSDEM?

FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community for the community. The goal is to provide free and open source software developers and communities a place to meet to:

  • get in touch with other developers and projects;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the free software world;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the open source world;
  • attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by project leaders and committers;
  • to promote the development and benefits of free software and open source solutions.

Participation and attendance is totally free, though the organisers gratefully accept donations and sponsorship.

Developer rooms

The FOSDEM team feels it is very important for free and open source software developers around the world to be able to meet in “real life”.

To this end, we have set up developer rooms (devrooms) with network/internet connectivity and projectors where teams can meet and showcase their projects. Devrooms are a place for teams to discuss, hack and publicly present latest directions, lightning talks, news and discussions. We believe developers can benefit a lot from these meetings.


Free  Software Radio Devroom :  https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/free_software_radio/

FOSDEM 2022 (online)
feb 6 hele dag

FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software.

Usually taking place in the beautiful city of Brussels (Belgium), FOSDEM is widely recognised as the best such conference in Europe.

What is FOSDEM?

FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community for the community. The goal is to provide free and open source software developers and communities a place to meet to:

  • get in touch with other developers and projects;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the free software world;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the open source world;
  • attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by project leaders and committers;
  • to promote the development and benefits of free software and open source solutions.

Participation and attendance is totally free, though the organisers gratefully accept donations and sponsorship.

Developer rooms

The FOSDEM team feels it is very important for free and open source software developers around the world to be able to meet in “real life”.

To this end, we have set up developer rooms (devrooms) with network/internet connectivity and projectors where teams can meet and showcase their projects. Devrooms are a place for teams to discuss, hack and publicly present latest directions, lightning talks, news and discussions. We believe developers can benefit a lot from these meetings.


Free  Software Radio Devroom :  https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/free_software_radio/

Zondagochtendronde PI3ZLB @ (on air)
feb 6 @ 11:00 – 12:00

Zuid-Limburgse Zondag Ochtendronde via PI3ZLB 145,725 MHz  –  rondeleider :  Wil PD4Z.

Tevens stream via :  http://meet.jit.si/pi3zlb

*** AFGELAST *** GHz-tagung Dorsten
feb 12 @ 9:00 – 17:00

Die für den 12. Februar 2022 geplante GHz-Tagung Dorsten muss leider ausfallen.

Zum zweiten Mal in Folge treffen sich die Mikrowellenamateure nicht im Februar in Dorsten, um sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf den GHz-Bändern und das vergangene Contestjahr auszutauschen. Die aktuelle Entwicklung der Pandemielage lässt eine Durchführung der Tagung leider nicht zu.

Auf unsere Webseite wird ab Spätsommer 2022 die Ankündigung für die GHz-Tagung 2023 veröffentlicht, die dann hoffentlich wieder in altbewährter Form stattfinden soll. Die Tagungsleitung freut sich bereits jetzt schon darauf, die Mikrowellenamateure 2023 endlich wieder in Dorsten begrüßen zu dürfen.


Die GHz-Tagung in Dorsten beschäftigt sich mit dem Amateurfunkbetrieb auf Frequenzen oberhalb von 1,2 GHz.

Die GHz-Tagung lebt von den zahlreichen Fachvorträgen und der Möglichkeit des persönlichen Gesprächs. Sie wird jedes Jahr von mehr als 200 Funkamateuren besucht, um über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf den GHz-Bändern zu diskutieren. Zudem wird hier jedes Jahr der DARC-UKW-Contestpokal verliehen.

Die Tagung wird organisiert vom DARC-Distrikt Westfalen-Nord. Unterstützt wird die GHz-Tagung durch die Volkshochschule Dorsten.

Zondagochtendronde PI3ZLB @ (on air)
feb 13 @ 11:00 – 12:00

Zuid-Limburgse Zondag Ochtendronde via PI3ZLB 145,725 MHz  –  rondeleider :  Rudolf PA1EBM.

Tevens stream via :  http://meet.jit.si/pi3zlb

*** AFGELAST *** GROninger Radio Amateur Treffen (GroRAT) @ Flowerdome Eelde
feb 19 @ 9:30 – 15:00

GroRAT voor de zendamateur, luisteraars en geïnteresseerden.

Helaas moeten we het Groninger Radio Amateur Treffen ( GRORAT)
op 19 februari 2022 cancelen !

Dit vanwege de Corona beperkingen, het is helaas niet anders.

Hopelijk kunnen we in oktober er wel weer een vervolg aangeven
met de Radio Onderdelen Markt Assen in het Flowerdome Eelde.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Eene PA3CEG.

Zondagochtendronde PI3ZLB @ (on air)
feb 20 @ 11:00 – 12:00

Zuid-Limburgse Zondag Ochtendronde via PI3ZLB 145,725 MHz  –  rondeleider :  Tom PC5D.

Tevens stream via :  http://meet.jit.si/pi3zlb

***AFGELAST *** Radiomarkt PI4NOV ’t Harde @ Multi Functioneel Centrum Aperloo
feb 26 @ 9:00 – 15:00

NOV Radiomarkt 2022 Afgelast

Helaas hebben wij als bestuur moeten besluiten dat onze NOV Radiomarkt van 26 Februari 2022 helaas geen doorgang kan vinden.

Op dit moment zijn normaliter de voorbereidingen in volle gang, gezien de huidige onzekerheid is het nog maar zeer de vraag of het wel verantwoord is om een grote groep mensen bij elkaar te brengen.

Om het zekere voor het onzekere te nemen hebben wij besloten dat de radiomarkt geen doorgang zal vinden.

Bestuur Veron a34 Noord Oost Veluwe.

Zondagochtendronde PI3ZLB @ (on air)
feb 27 @ 11:00 – 12:00

Zuid-Limburgse Zondag Ochtendronde via PI3ZLB 145,725 MHz  –  rondeleider :  Marc PA3GJL.

Tevens stream via :  http://meet.jit.si/pi3zlb